Adam Geisler, Christine Fastholm, Elisabeth Bang-Nielsen, Niels Sløk, Orla Duedahl og Peter Sjøholm.

tirsdag den 5. april 2011

Webinars om e-læring fra Dublin City University

Dublin City Universitet har sidste år lavet en række gratis webinars om e-læringsrelevante emner. Her er deres egen beskrivelse af projektet The 4C Initiative:

The 4C Initiative is a series of projects aimed at increasing digital content capacity for education on a global scale. By providing educators and learners with the skills to discover, use, create and share content with others in the learning community worldwide, we believe we can:

* Encourage collaboration within the global education community
* Build digital content publishing capacity
* Advances use of technology and the opportunity of learning through technology
* Encourage the use of the Internet to discover and use learning resources for educational outcomes.

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